- The high output of modern two stroke engines demand superior quality components reconditioning.
- We are collaborating with British manufacturer WELDING ALLOYS UK, to ensure high quality cladding wires as well as an enhanced method of working by operating in our plant ultra-modern, automatic, submerged arc welding track engines made by WELDING ALLOYS UK. Annealing is performed in three programmable furnaces, capable of annealing parts with a diameter up to 2,000 mm max.
- Our long experience in plating, supported as it is by efficient current inverters, is the main stanchion of our success in the rotary type chrome plating of piston ring grooves to suitable thickness, adhesion and hardness that will ensure proper lubrication of the piston rings and reduce the wear rate of the piston ring grooves during operation. We currently operate four rotary chrome plating plants, tailored for piston ring groove chrome plating.
- • Last, we have purchased a crucial, state-of-the-art automatic grinder made by CHRIS MARINE of Sweden for the grinding of chrome plated piston ring grooves. This cutting edge technology grinder enables us to achieve the proper roughness as well as accurate tolerances of the grooves and thus avoiding piston ring failure. • Note that only major engine builders use this type of grinder: it is the first one to operate in the Greek reconditioning business.
- All projects are accompanied by a detailed inspection report followed by the recommended repair methods, pending approval. The reconditioning suggested is oriented to the actual needs of the part received. We are able to re-chrome and grind the grooves of a piston crown if remaining areas are in good condition, thus reducing significantly the reconditioning cost.